How to Host Mount and Blade Warband Server :

Dear readers, welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to host your very own Mount and Blade Warband server. In this tutorial, we will take you through every step of the process, from setting up your server to managing your player base and keeping your server running smoothly. Whether you’re a seasoned server administrator or a complete beginner, this guide is designed to help you get your server up and running in no time.

Part 1: Setting up your Server

In this section, we’ll show you how to set up your server from scratch. This includes installing the necessary software, configuring your server settings, and creating your server world.

Step 1: Downloading the Server Files

The first step in setting up your server is to download the Mount and Blade Warband server files. These files can be downloaded from the official Mount and Blade website or from a third-party hosting provider. Once you have downloaded the files, extract them to a folder on your computer.

Step 2: Configuring your Server Settings

After you have downloaded and extracted the server files, you will need to configure your server settings. This can be done by editing the “server_config.txt” file in your server folder. This file contains all of the settings for your server, including the server name, maximum number of players, and game rules.

Setting Default Value Description
Server Name Mount and Blade Warband Server The name of your server as it will appear in the server list.
Maximum Players 32 The maximum number of players that can connect to your server at once.
Game Mode battle The game mode that your server will run, such as “battle” or “siege”.

Once you have configured your server settings, save the “server_config.txt” file and move on to the next step.

Step 3: Creating your Server World

The final step in setting up your server is to create your server world. This can be done by editing the “module.ini” file in your server folder. This file contains all of the settings for your game world, including the map, factions, and starting items.

Setting Default Value Description
Map Native The map that your server will run, such as “Native” or “Nord Invasion”.
Factions All The factions that are available on your server.
Starting Items Default The starting items that players will receive when they join your server.

Once you have configured your server world settings, save the “module.ini” file and move on to the next section.

Part 2: Hosting your Server

Now that you have set up your server, it’s time to host it so that players can connect to it. There are several options available for hosting your server, including hosting it on your own computer or renting a dedicated server from a hosting provider.

Option 1: Hosting your Server on your Own Computer

If you have a powerful enough computer and a fast internet connection, you can host your server on your own computer. This is a good option if you have a small player base and want to save money on hosting costs.

To host your server on your own computer, you will need to forward the necessary ports on your router and configure your firewall to allow incoming connections. The default port for Mount and Blade Warband servers is 7240, but you can change this in your server settings if needed.

Once you have forwarded the necessary ports and configured your firewall, you can start your server by running the “mb_warband_dedicated.exe” file in your server folder.

Option 2: Renting a Dedicated Server

If you have a large player base or don’t want to host your server on your own computer, you can rent a dedicated server from a hosting provider. There are several hosting providers that offer Mount and Blade Warband server hosting, including GameServers and Multiplay.

When choosing a hosting provider, make sure to consider factors such as server location, pricing, and customer support. You should also look for a hosting provider that offers a control panel or other management tools to make it easier to manage your server.

Part 3: Managing your Server

Once your server is up and running, you will need to manage it to ensure that it runs smoothly and maintains a healthy player base. This includes managing your server settings, enforcing rules, and dealing with disruptive players.

Managing your Server Settings

One of the most important aspects of managing your server is configuring your server settings. This includes adjusting the maximum number of players, setting game rules, and managing any custom mods or plugins that you have installed.

To adjust your server settings, simply edit the “server_config.txt” and “module.ini” files in your server folder. You can also use a control panel or other management tool provided by your hosting provider to make changes to your server settings.

Enforcing Rules

To maintain a healthy player base, it’s important to enforce rules on your server. This includes setting rules for behavior, such as no cheating or hacking, and enforcing punishments for players who break those rules.

Most hosting providers offer tools such as bans, kicks, and warnings to help you enforce rules on your server. You can also use plugins or mods to help automate the enforcement process.

Dealing with Disruptive Players

Occasionally, you may encounter disruptive players on your server who refuse to follow the rules or cause problems for other players. In these situations, it’s important to be firm but fair when dealing with the player.

You can use tools such as bans, kicks, and warnings to deal with disruptive players. You can also consult with your server community or other administrators to determine the best course of action.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the system requirements for hosting a Mount and Blade Warband server?

A: To host a Mount and Blade Warband server, you will need a computer with a dual-core processor, at least 2GB of RAM, and a fast internet connection. You will also need to forward the necessary ports on your router and configure your firewall to allow incoming connections.

Q: Can I host a Mount and Blade Warband server from my own computer?

A: Yes, you can host a Mount and Blade Warband server from your own computer if you have a powerful enough computer and a fast internet connection. However, hosting a server from your own computer can be more difficult to set up and may not be as reliable as renting a dedicated server from a hosting provider.

Q: How do I install custom mods or plugins on my server?

A: To install custom mods or plugins on your server, simply download the mod or plugin files and install them in your server folder. You may need to update your server settings or configuration files to enable the mod or plugin.

Q: How do I update my Mount and Blade Warband server?

A: To update your Mount and Blade Warband server, simply download the latest server files from the official Mount and Blade website or from your hosting provider. You may need to adjust your server settings or configuration files to accommodate any changes in the latest update.

Q: How do I attract players to my server?

A: To attract players to your server, you will need to promote your server through social media, forums, and other online communities. You can also offer incentives such as custom mods or plugins, special events, or a unique gameplay experience to attract players to your server.

Q: How much does it cost to rent a dedicated Mount and Blade Warband server?

A: The cost of renting a dedicated Mount and Blade Warband server can vary depending on the hosting provider and the server configuration. Prices typically range from $10 to $50 per month.

Q: How do I make my server stand out from other servers?

A: To make your server stand out from other servers, you can offer unique game modes, custom mods or plugins, or special events. You can also create a strong community around your server by engaging with your players and offering support and assistance.


Hosting your own Mount and Blade Warband server can be a rewarding experience that allows you to create your own unique gameplay experience and build a strong community of players. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up, host, and manage your own server with ease. Remember to always enforce rules and maintain a healthy player base to ensure that your server remains a fun and enjoyable place to play.

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